Five Things That Home Liability Insurance Covers

When you own a home, you are going to want to have homeowners' insurance. This will ensure that you are protected financially in the case of any type of accident that should occur. Included on your homeowners insurance' policy is home liability coverage, which is usually required for you to have if you borrowed money from the bank to pay for the home. Here are five things that home liability will cover:

  1. Medical Bills: If someone is injured on your property and decides to sue, you are going to have to pay for their medical bills, which your home liability insurance will cover. This ensures that you are not going to have to pay out of pocket for someone else's medical bills for an accident that occurred on your property. 
  2. Pain and Suffering: When someone sues you because they were injured on your property, they are likely going to request coverage for pain and suffering on top of coverage for their medical bills. Pain and suffering coverage will cover the amount of time that the person has had to spend in the hospital, as well as for the stress that was put on the rest of their family due to the incident. This can also include the amount of time that the injured person has to spend in rehabilitation.
  3. Wages: If someone was injured on your property and had to spend a significant amount of time in the hospital recovering from their injuries, then they are going to suffer from loss of wages if they are working. This will also need to be covered for, which your liability home insurance will pay for. 
  4. Death Benefits: If someone were in an accident on your property that lead to their untimely death, then the family can decide to sue you in order to receive death benefits. However, death benefits aren't just for someone who doesn't live on your property who has been injured on your property. If you or anyone in your family has died because of an accident on your property, your home liability insurance will also provide death benefits for your family. 
  5. Legal Costs: If you are being sued because of an accident that occurred on your property, you are probably going to need a lawyer. Lawyer costs can be high, which is why home liability insurance helps to cover those costs for you regardless if you were at fault or not for the accident. 

When you know some of the things that home liability insurance covers, you can see why it's so important to have. This can save you from a legal issue that could end up costing you a great deal of money out of pocket. For more information, visit websites like
