Teen Driver In The House? Smart Ways To Lower The Cost Of Car Insurance

Becoming a parent is a lot like baking a layered cake. For every year that the child ages, you add another layer of stress to that cake. As if the thought of your child getting his or her license wasn't scary enough, now you have to deal with car insurance. Fortunately, there are some smart ways to bring down the cost.

Shop Around For The Best Terms

Find several different plans and compare their rates. Don't be afraid to ask questions and attempt to negotiate.

Take Advantage of Your Loyalty

A teenager's insurance will be expensive due to age. If you have been a customer of your insurance company for a while, you may be able to bargain a discount on your insurance. This small discount will be beneficial as your child's insurance will be more expensive than yours in most cases.

Match the Car to Insurance

See what features of a car will get you discounts on new or existing car insurance. Some insurance companies offer discounts for lower mileage or anti-lock brake and anti-theft devices. The make, model, and year of the vehicle your teenager drives will impact the cost of the insurance as well.

Have Your Teen Prove His or Her Responsibility  

Your teen will get judged prematurely due to age. You can have your teen take an extra defensive driving course in order to demonstrate assertiveness and maturity. Encourage your teen to get good grades. If your teenager commutes a long distance to school, you may be able to get a discount on your insurance for this depending on what company you go through.

Use Public Transportation and Carpool

If your teenager has the option of public transportation or carpooling, make sure he or she uses it. Unfortunately, the more you drive, the bigger of a risk the insurance company sees you as.

Improve Your Credit Score

Teenagers do not have much of a credit score due to age, but you do. You will be the cosigner on your teenager's insurance, so your credit score will be factored into the cost. Consider paying off some of your outstanding debts to up your credit score before looking into insurance for your teenager.

Combine Insurance

Try to get your car insurance from the same provider as your home insurance or health insurance. You also should not be afraid to ask about group insurance plans.

As you can see, having to insure your teenager does not mean you are going to have to get a second job. It just means you need to shop around and to ask lots of questions to make sure you are getting the best deal. 

For car insurance, contact a business such as D A Insurance Brokers.
